Here at Ogden Body Shop in Ogden, Utah we understand the risks you face on the road each day. Which is exactly why we work closely with a diverse range of automotive insurance carriers. To make sure you get the protection and repair you deserve.
After you’ve had an accident the last thing that you want to worry about is whether your auto body repair shop will can work with your insurance carrier or the at-fault insurance company to perform the repair that is best for you.
Ogden Body does not work for the insurance company. Which means we work for you! You are the customer NOT the insurance company.
Tell your insurance company you choose Ogden Body Shop. Remember it is your choice, don’t be dissuaded by statements like; We can’t guarantee your repair will be done on time. Or the insurance company won’t warranty the repair, or it will cost you more if you don’t take it to one of our shops.
Let Ogden Body be your advocate to the insurance company ensuring you are treated fairly.
Open a claim with the insurance company responsible for your repair by calling the claim number below or clicking on their logo to submit a claim online. After that send us the claim number and let us handle it from there. In conclusion when you let Ogden Body help you, you’ll know you’re getting the best possible outcome.
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