Extend Driver Seat Back 5″ To Create More Leg Room

Glenn came to Ogden Body Shop looking to extend his seat back further than it would currently go. He recently had a knee replaced and could not fit “scrunched” up. He wanted to comfortably extend his legs. He could only drive for 45 minutes and was limited to travel because of the pain it caused him.

All this and the seat needed to be safe and all of it functions needed to operate successfully.

Vene, a master auto body tech, removed the seat and cut the old seat assembly apart and then fabricated a 1/4 inch plate the would allow the seat to be mounted back an addition 5 inches.

RESULT: The seat controls work perfectly and the seat safely mount to the 1/4″ steel that mount into the original frame mount, making it a safe and secure solution.

Complete with rubber trimmings Glenn said it looks like it was supposed to be that way and is thrilled he can comfortably drive his car.

some picture sample